Welcome to SPrager Documentation

JupyterLab Introduction

This project provides guides for installing and setting up JupyterLab notebooks and extensions and for using JupyterLab and Sphinx to create documentation.

All documentation was generated from JupyterLab notebooks using nbsphinx.

Example Jupyter notebooks are provided for python, octave/Matlab and SOS. The Jupyter notebooks can be run interactively by following the installation instructions, cloning the source repository, and opening JupyterLab:

If JupyterLab is already installed:
  1. git clone https://github.com/samprager/jupyterIntroduction.git
  2. cd jupyterIntroduction.
  3. jupyter lab

These notebooks can also be run interactively in binder!


or in Google Colab!

Online documentation:
Source code repository:

All content shown below was generated from Jupyter notebooks.

Indices and tables